Photo Workshops
Photo workshops are held around the world with vulnerable youth and are taught by some of the original “Camera Kids” from the Imbabazi Orphanage in Rwanda.
In the workshops, photography lessons are designed to expand the children’s vision and knowledge of photography. This form of art offers them the opportunity to document their lives and share their voices.
Rwanda - Imbabazi Orphanage
Haitian Immigrant Teenagers - New Jersey - Worldwide Orphans (July)
Foster Children - Boston - Home for Little Wanderers (July)
Rwanda - Uwbumwe Center (Jan)
Rwanda - Inyeryeri (April)
Haiti - Worldwide Orphans (June)
Nepal - Blink Now (Oct)
Rwanda - Inyeryeri (Jan)
Rwanda - Inyeryeri (Sept) - Workshop & Exhibition
Rwanda - IAMPO (Aug)
Rwanda - Hand in Hand (Sept)
*Some of the Through the Eyes of Children photo workshops have been filmed for the documentary “Camera Kids” by the award-winning documentary filmmaker Beth Murphy.
Fund photo workshops:
Photo Workshop, Orange, New Jersey, Summer 2018
Photo Workshop, Boston, MA, Summer 2018